Well it's been a long time but we're back baby! If you've stopped by to visit us at www.tattoogolf.com recently you'll see that we have an entirely new look, a complete face lift, a major remodel, etc. and we hope that the new look makes your shopping experience not only enjoyable but completely stress-free.
Not only did things change with the way our site looks and the way you interact with it but many things also changed behind the scenes, some for the better, some not so much. One casualty of the remodel was the shut down of our blog as it was literally lost in cyberspace, only recently to be found and resurrected to all it's former glory! Well that may be a bit much but regardless, it is now back up and running and we will (hopefully) be making regular posts and contributions so stay tuned.
Some quick links of interest:
Shots in the Rough - Pictures of our awesome fans and friends sporting TG gear - http://www.tattoogolf.com/shots-in-the-rough/
Men's golf clothing - http://www.tattoogolf.com/mens-golf-shirts/
Women's golf apparel - http://www.tattoogolf.com/womens-golf-apparel/
Cool golf accessories - http://www.tattoogolf.com/mens-golf-accessories/